Saturday, April 24, 2010

Now, Welcome to my World

Here's some of my most recent and favorite work. Please enjoy!

World Politics: Introduction and Discussion Questions
The circus is in town. I know. I can hear the booming voice of an announcer screaming jovially about moose while horses neigh complaints about excessively extravagant ensembles and escaped elephants roam the town and shake the ground as they gracefully take flight from field mice. Kids are out after dark. One cries, “I’m afraid.” Her father hides in bushes and scares her with bestial growls. The airport has changed the flight path over the circus to increase attendance by way of advertising on the tent’s top. Advertisements announce elephant men, trapeze trios, and “The Master of Moose” in large letters visible from the sky. The air is full of agitation and conflicting noises and I swear there’s a clown in my midst. All this must indicate that the circus is near.

“Do you think peace will prevail if we all speak monkey and jog in the park?” I ask. “Scientists and politicians and artists and activists resolve to solve the human problem and the angry citizens’ complaints about planes disturbing dinner and the agitating confliction of noise, but do their contradictory solutions even matter when we are all still debating in monkey about whose most fit to catch the elephants? Do you think peace is prevailing? Even though there are now 1000 monkey dialects and joggers are dropping like flies while chasing the elephants that continue to drop them like flies? And journalists hide in the bushes to scare the public with paranoid growls and frightful propaganda? The clown in our midst is selling gold on the black market to pay for damage to his image and rid his face of flying shoe prints. My final question to you: does the circus ever really leave town?”

Weathered Writing [frankly it’s frightful!]
Fully fall forward and down dripping drops of rain steady and slow ready to show shinning stars through cloud cover. Cowards crawl, crunched in balls, to avoid voids and virtually everything. Everywhere where white slight sidewalks submit to overtaking tears spilling from the sky the ground grows green. Great mountains mounted by trains take the rain and refrain from finding foolish foul and scaredy-cats cowardly curled, afraid to unfurl. Left alone lone tones trill loudly like little larks from only lonely losers leaving life for lack of peas. Place confidence in creation, you can’t control interpretation.

on days like today, I wish I had my mind.
where is my mind?
today, I wish I had on days like my mind.
like my mind, today is where I wish I had days
days to like where today my mind is wishing
days like tomorrow where today my mind is hopping.
where my mind goes, I don’t always follow.
my mind follows paths going where it’s told not to
I am told not to question the path my mind follows
but I don’t always follow.
I hop my mind knows what time it is.
it is time to follow hop, wishing tomorrow to be today
but not today to be tomorrow.
where are days like today when all you need is a mind like tomorrow?
I don’t wish for the future I hop for the future.
on days like today, I find my mind in tomorrow.

Song of Stalemate
Stop--- eeeerrr—and rewind,
scrutinize over your attenuated mind
that’s liquefied by your excessive boozing to find
yourself giggly on the bathroom floor
scrawly writing down your quest for
liberality in post-war,
or is it pre-war? Or war-war?
Either way, you picture yourself stunningly stand,
with a fist in the air looking grand
and you feel as powerful as a machine gun
in World War One.
but you’re stuck in a trench
and you irresponsibly quench
your thirst for wisdom with rum.

Go---eeeeek— and remember,
you woke up in the bathroom chamber
and tried to read your brilliant scribble
but it’s not as admirable
as the prophecies of a sibyl
and your fast action fury from the night before
has turned only to a head sore.
You sure are a perfect display
of the soldier buffet
reminiscent of the stalemate between Germany and France,
but in your case alcohol and romance.
You’re ordered again to go over the top
but your alcohol intemperate mind makes you stop
and you’re back in your trench
bedecking the air with your stench.

And--- Abracadabra—you hide yellow eyes in the dim light
and your family can only speak to you with spite
still you live day-to-day thinking you are immune
from becoming jejune
but you have never realized
that the life you lead is not idealized
because you’re always under the captains command
but he’s left you in no man’s land
and you can’t possibly withstand
the barrage of enemy fire
and the amount of alcohol you require
and sadly too soon you will conspire
to quit your journey of desire
and lie down in the barbed wire
until you ultimately expire.

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